Inside the MFAH Posts tagged #tudors-to-windsors
“Inside the MFAH” provides perspectives, conversations, and opinions from insiders at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Dancing Your Roots with the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society January 18, 2019
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, performing on Thursday, January 24, in conjunction with Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol, brings a uniquely Scottish tradition to audiences across the world.
Royal Rivals: Queen Elizabeth I & Mary, Queen of Scots January 4, 2019
The story of Queen Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots, has inspired many fictional tales. Although such stories are speculation, we can certainly tell from the paintings of the rulers, on view in Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol, that they were quite different people.
Dogs Rule! Find “Royals” Doggie Day Inspiration in the Pets of “Tudors to Windsors” December 26, 2018
Visitors have an extraordinary opportunity to come face-to-face with the fascinating figures of British royalty in Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol—including a few fascinating furry figures.
Royal Scandals: The Marriages of King George IV December 7, 2018
In reality, King George IV was quite unlike the heroic, elegant figure in the portrait of him on view in Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol, keeping many mistresses through two scandalous marriages.
Connections: The Islamic Carpet in Persia and Great Britain November 27, 2018
Look closely and spot a cross-cultural connection in two exhibitions on view this fall and winter. Persian carpets, like the one on display in Garden Paradise, appear in portraits of British royals in Tudors to Windsors.
A Portrait of the King: Henry VIII Reigns in “Tudors to Windsors” November 7, 2018
Houston audiences have the opportunity to come face-to-face with Hans Holbein the Younger’s 1540 portrait of Henry VIII in the galleries of Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol.
A Royally Inspired Q&A with Tilda Swinton October 23, 2018
In this interview inspired by the exhibition Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol, actress Tilda Swinton shares her thoughts on royal subjects with Museum director Gary Tinterow.
Lost & Found: The Iconic Royal Painting That Rose Again October 19, 2018
Houston audiences can discover a once-lost masterpiece: The Execution of Lady Jane Grey, on view in the exhibition Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol.
Making Monarchy: The Changing Face of Power October 18, 2018
Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol traces the many ways artists depict British monarchs’ power, from imposing paintings to new artistic approaches.
Royal Reflections: Rulers in Art from the MFAH Collections October 12, 2018
Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits from Holbein to Warhol inspires a closer look at works of art from the MFAH collections that highlight the many ways to show power across the globe.