Frequently Asked Questions: School Visits

If I have questions before my visit, whom can I ask?
Contact the Museum at or 713.639.7835.

How much does my visit cost?
Teacher-guided visits are free for school groups with registration made at least two weeks in advance by filling out this form. Exhibition visits can also be requested via the teacher-guided visit form.

How long will my visit last?
Both teacher-guided and docent-guided tours are booked for one hour.

What if I need to cancel my visit?
In the event that you must cancel your visit, please email or call 713.639.7835 as soon as possible.

What happens if our group is late?
If your group arrives late for a visit, your visit will be abbreviated to finish at the originally designated time. If your group arrives more than 30 minutes late, your visit will be canceled.

Where do we enter and check in?

  • Buses may drop you off behind the Glassell School of Art, 5101 Montrose. Going north on Montrose from Bissonnet, turn right on Barkdull and take the first immediate right onto the bus lane behind the Glassell building.
  • MFAH staff will greet you at the school-tour entrance. Buses are not permitted to park in any Museum parking lots.
  • Once students have exited their buses, drivers continue on the bus lane, then turn left between First Presbyterian Church and the MFAH Kinder Building, exiting onto Main Street.
  • When the buses return for pickup, they must reenter the bus lane as they did for drop-off.
  • Overflow parking is located at Hermann Park, immediately past the Mecom Fountain. See a map of the Museum campus.
  • After buses are parked, drivers may return to the Museum free of charge to join their school groups for the tour. Guided tours last approximately one hour. 

Additional check-in instructions for guided tours: Students should remain on the bus until the lead teacher has checked in with a Museum staff member, who will ask for the number of students and chaperones in the group. After check-in, students may exit buses and enter through the Glassell School of Art. Museum staff will confirm the number of students and chaperones before dividing them evenly among available docents.

Additional check-in instructions for self-guided tours: Teachers will receive tickets via email and will check in with the Kinder Building guest services ambassadors. Students should remain with their chaperones and teachers while the lead teacher checks in. If you arrive early, you must wait for your scheduled tour time to enter. Early arrivals are welcome to visit the Cullen Sculpture Garden.

Where can buses park?
Buses are not permitted to park in any Museum parking lots. Overflow parking is located at Hermann Park immediately past the Mecom Fountain. After parking, bus drivers may return to the Museum free of charge to join their school groups for the tour.

How many chaperones should I bring?
One adult chaperone per 10 students is required. Chaperones receive free admission and must remain with their group for the entire visit. Please review and share the Museum guidelines with all chaperones before the visit. A maximum of two chaperones per every 10 students may shadow a docent-guided group. Please avoid bringing extra chaperones.

Where can we eat lunch?
School groups may bring sack lunches to Cullen Sculpture Garden at the corner of Montrose at Bissonnet, near the Kinder Building. 

Can we take photographs?
Video and still photography, without flash, are permitted at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, solely for private, noncommercial use, and only in Museum galleries that do not have a “no photography” designation. If you have questions about taking a photo in a specific gallery, a guard or other Musuem staff can help you determine if photography is allowed. If your group is interested in taking pictures, please allow additional time for photography after your guided tour is complete. Learn more about the Museum’s photography policies.

Will there be time to visit the MFA Shop?
Students are welcome to visit the MFA Shop after their guided tour or at any point during their teacher-guided visit. Ten students accompanied by an adult chaperone may enter the shop at one time.

Art Resource Tour for Schools Program is sponsored by:

Sempra Foundation