Magical and Mystical Oaxaca: Celebrating Oaxacan Art and Culture August 2–October 1, 2023

Admission is free.

The exhibition Magical and Mystical Oaxaca: Celebrating Oaxacan Art and Culture showcases the vibrant art and culture of Oaxaca, Mexico. The Glassell Studio School, in collaboration with Houston’s Seranno Gallery, presents three installations at the Glassell School of Art. Magical and Mystical Oaxaca aims to foster cultural exchange and provide a unique opportunity to engage with Oaxacan art.

“Four Contemporary Voices from Oaxaca: Rolando Rojas, Didier Mayes, Saul Castro, Ixrael Montes”
The art of four Oaxacan artists explores the complexities of identity at the intersections of the real and the imaginary, and tradition and modernity. Works by Saul Castro, Didier Mayes, Ixrael Montes, and Rolando Rojas create a powerful and compelling presentation that celebrates the richness of Oaxacan contemporary art. (location: street level)

“Journey to Oaxaca: Visual Testimonies of an Immersive Cultural Experience”
Works of art and visual documentation capture the experiences and impressions of participants in the Glassell School of Art’s cultural exploration program to Oaxaca. (location: second floor)

“Women Printmakers of Oaxaca”
This installation reflects the unique perspectives and artistic expressions of women in the Oaxacan art scene. The works on view showcase a diverse range of printmaking techniques, including woodcut, etching, and lithography. (location: third floor)

Magical and Mystical Oaxaca: Celebrating Oaxacan Art and Culture / August 2–October 1, 2023

This exhibition is organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

The Glassell Studio School exhibition program receives generous support from The Skiles Foundation.


Glassell School of Art
5101 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, TX 77006
Map & Directions