Oscar-Nominated Short Films Shine on Our Big Screen February 5, 2019

Period. End of Sentence is an Oscar nominee for Best Documentary Short Subject.
Fauve is nominated for Best Live-Action Short Film. MFAH audiences may remember Fauve from the 2018 Manhattan Short Film Festival, which awarded Best Actor to the short’s young star, Felix Grenier.
It’s become a popular tradition at the MFAH to screen the Oscar-nominated short films in the weeks leading up to the Academy Awards ceremony, which this year falls on February 24. We are the exclusive local venue for all three short-film categories: Animated, Live-Action, and Documentary. The series begins February 8 and continues after the awards ceremony, through March 3—giving MFAH audiences a chance to see whether they agree with the winners!
Fast Facts
- The 17 nominated films represent talented filmmakers from Canada, India, Ireland, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States and comprise a diverse range of classic and historical subjects.
- We often get questions about the suitability of the Oscar-nominated shorts for younger viewers—so please note that this year’s Animated program has a PG rating. It’s recommended for ages 8 & older because several of the films cover difficult topics. The Live-Action and Documentary programs are Rated R.
- Who chooses the nominees? As this Mental Floss article shows, it’s a rather complicated process.
More Short-Film Fun
We are lucky that Houston has many other opportunities throughout the year to watch short films. Aurora Picture Show schedules extraordinary short films year-round. The Houston Film Commission’s monthly First Thursdays often include shorts, and the HFC also organizes the Texas Filmmakers Showcase, a juried compilation of mini masterpieces. The Houston Cinema Arts Society’s CineSpace program, presented in partnership with NASA, is an annual competition of shorts that features footage from NASA’s archives.
Numerous annual local film festivals include shorts in their lineups. This spring, I encourage you to seek out the Houston Latino Film Festival, WorldFest Houston, Literally Short, HAAPIFest, and QFest (for which the MFAH is one of the venues), to name a few.
See the Oscar-nominated short films every weekend from February 8 through March 3! Check showtimes and get tickets in advance.