Local High Schoolers Share Glimpses of the Bayou City January 23, 2017

Maya Kanani, drum major, 2016, inkjet print, Bellaire High School. © Maya Kanani
Texas is known for Friday Night Lights. Football fanfare. It is known for marching bands performing on the field. Drum majors are an integral part of the band, conductors, commanding the musicians. Focused, she looks over the ensemble, about to commence orchestration. —Maya Kanani, Bellaire High School
The annual exhibition Eye on Houston: High School Documentary Photography gives the Museum a chance to share both the work of talented young photographers and glimpses of our city’s vibrant diversity. Using photography as their tool, teens capture moments from their daily life around Houston. The students also write brief descriptions of each photograph to lend insight into their experiences, which are sometimes funny, sometimes poignant or poetic, and always personal.
Preview this year’s Eye on Houston with this selection of students’ own images and words, then see more in the exhibition, on view through May 7 in two locations: the Kinder Foundation Education Center in the Law Building, and Lower Beck Corridor in the Beck Building.
Tamirah Collins, Old Man, 2016, inkjet print, Jack Yates High School. © Tamirah Collins
This is a funny old man. He and his friends loved making bets. They made a bet on two students in my period as they raced. He didn’t have a problem telling anyone how he felt. He knows that he’s right. —Tamirah Collins, Jack Yates High School
Hannah Kazmouz, Metro, 2016, inkjet print, Bellaire High School. © Hannah Kazmouz
It was a cool March evening, and for Houstonians that means Rodeo season. Wednesday night meant value night, and we didn't have a lot of money to spare, so with what funds we did have, my mom, sister, and I headed to the carnival. I knew I needed to take a picture to document the moments before one of the rare evenings of fun my family gets to enjoy. —Hannah Kazmouz, Bellaire High School
Gabriela Santa, Scarcity, 2016, inkjet print, Westside High School. © Gabriela Santa
Houston is a beautiful city with many hidden secrets. This was captured sometime after a long and harsh Houston flood. The park was almost impossible to enjoy anymore, but as days passed it slowly began to dry. As the sun set, the picture represented how even when things got bad, there will always be beauty in this city, and it’ll always get better. —Gabriela Santa, Westside High School
Julia Snoza, Together We Roll, 2016, inkjet print, DeBakey High School for Health Professions. © Julia Snoza
Houston Roller Derby Juniors is a great example of the diversity that is represented in Houston. There are so many different cultures and languages and identities packed into just one city. Being a part of a roller derby team is such an uplifting experience. A roller derby team is like a good cookie recipe: each ingredient complements each other to create a fantastic final product. —Julia Snoza, DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Marissa Thompson, Bliss, 2016, inkjet print, Lamar High School. © Marissa Thompson
This photo was taken at the annual Greek Festival. You could feel the happiness in the air, almost to where you could reach out and grab it. After walking around for a while, I came across various carnival rides and watched the people on them for a while. Their smiles were contagious. —Marissa Thompson, Lamar High School