Let’s Make a Painting: Inspired by Action August 14, 2020

Jackson Pollock, Number 6, 1949, Duco and aluminum paint on canvas, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum purchase funded by D. and J. de Menil. © The Pollock-Krasner Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Use artist Jackson Pollock’s “action painting” method to create your own masterpiece.
Use artist Jackson Pollock’s “action painting” method to create your own masterpiece.
Abstract Expressionist icon Jackson Pollock is famous for his “action painting” method—using the full force of his body to repeatedly splash liquid paint onto the huge canvases he placed on the floorboards of his studio in East Hampton, New York.
Create an Action Painting
Take a page out of Pollock’s book and create your own work of art using his energetic method. Follow along with the how-to guide and video for this family-friendly art activity, inspired by the artist’s painting Number 6 from the MFAH collection of modern and contemporary art.
Learning and Interpretation programs receive generous funding from the Jerold B. Katz Foundation; Institute of Museum and Library Services; H-E-B; MD Anderson Cancer Center; Sharon G. Dies; Sterling-Turner Foundation; Houston Junior Woman's Club; The Brown Foundation, Inc.; Susan Vaughan Foundation; and additional generous donors.