Get to Know the “Bhogi Yogi” & Join Us on Sundays for “MFAH on the Mat” April 15, 2020

MFAH on the Mat | Pamela Urcid, the “Bhogi Yogi”
MFAH on the Mat | Pamela Urcid, the “Bhogi Yogi”
MFAH on the Mat | Pamela Urcid, the “Bhogi Yogi”
Meet the “Bhogi Yogi”! Pamela Urcid with Black Swan Yoga shares yoga tips, her art inspirations, and how she came up with her cool Instagram screen name.
Join us for the first edition of our new weekly series “MFAH on the Mat” this Sunday, April 19, at 11 a.m. on Facebook Live.
What’s your favorite yoga pose for relaxing outdoors?
Uff, a good and long standing forward fold. My legs start feeling longer, the blood travels to my head, and my body feels more oxygenated overall.
What kind of art inspires your yoga teaching?
Good question! Abstract art, specifically Geometric Abstraction, like the art of Piet Mondrian.
How did you come up with your Instagram handle @thebhogiyogi?
I examined my practice, my intentions, and my actions, and that led me to choose being recognized as the “Bhogi Yogi.” The terms Yogi, Bhogi, and Rogi come from the words Yoga, Bhoga, and Roga. According to a highly recognized sage, the self is guided toward these paths: the mind, intelligence, and self.
I find myself in the middle of Yogi and Bhogi, fighting to find moderation in Bhoga and intense attention in Yoga. So I chose that path, that meeting place where you balance out the enjoyment of a Bhogi and the greatness of a Yogi: the Bhogi Yogi.
What’s on your playlist right now?
Mostly indie artists that come out with alternative chill music.
When you’re not teaching yoga, where else can we find you staying active?
I love visiting my friends at Empower Fitness Lab, where I cycle.
How would you describe your personal yoga style?
Mindful. I normally assess myself in the morning and take it from there, so the type of yoga I practice changes depending on how my mind and body feel that day. I meet in the middle of both.
► Want to see more? Check out “MFAH on the Mat” every Sunday at 11 a.m. on Facebook Live.
Wellness Programs at the MFAH are presented by MD Anderson Cancer Center.