Inside the MFAH Posts by The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
A (Virtual) Stroll through Bayou Bend April 11, 2020
Get the inside scoop on the mobile tour of Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens.
Meet the MFAH: Patrick Palmer, Dean of the Glassell Studio School April 9, 2020
Patrick Palmer talks about his years as a teacher and dean at the Glassell Studio School, the online courses just launched, his daily sketchbook, and his top five works of art in the MFAH collections.
Working from Home: 5 Tips on How to Stay Productive April 8, 2020
While you work from home, make the most of your time with these helpful productivity tips, inspired by design highlights from the MFAH collections.
Origin Stories of Latin American and Latino Art, Shared through a Newly Expanded Online Archive April 7, 2020
The MFAH and its research institute, the International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA), have launched the enhanced website and database for the landmark “Documents of Latin American & Latino Art Digital Archive.”
Movie Night with MFAH Films “And Then We Danced” April 6, 2020
Originally scheduled to screen in Brown Auditorium Theater, And Then We Danced premieres in the new MFAH series of virtual films.
Family-Friendly Art Activities at Home April 1, 2020
MFAH teaching artist Rebecca Braziel, mother of four, shares engaging art-making projects and related tips for creating art at home.
For Slow Art Day, Cai Guo-Qiang’s “Odyssey” April 1, 2020
On Slow Art Day, when we are encouraged to spend real time with a work of art, watch the creation of the monumental mural installation Odyssey.
Vincent van Gogh in Houston April 1, 2020
It seems like only yesterday that the work of Vincent van Gogh took up residence in Houston.
MFAH on the Go: Google Arts & Culture March 31, 2020
Explore the MFAH collections, galleries, house museums, and more via Google Arts & Culture.
A World-Famous Rediscovery March 30, 2020
A long-lost painting by revered 19th-century artist Eugène Delacroix resurfaced in Paris last year and is now on view at the MFAH.