A Noir to Remember September 17, 2018

Laura, starring Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney, screens on Sunday, October 7.
Patricia P. Hubbard, patron of the arts and MFAH film committee member
Movies Houstonians Love returns! The ongoing film series asks local community members to pick their favorite film, and we show it on the MFAH Films big screen. Laura, the 1944 film noir directed by Otto Preminger and starring Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney, kicks off the 14th season on October 7.
I talked with the local philanthropist and movie lover who selected Laura—Patricia P. Hubbard, who also serves on the MFAH film committee—about her passion for cinema, and her unique memories of Laura.
We at MFAH Films know you as an avid film lover. How did your interest in movies begin?
In the 1930s and 1940s, movie theaters in Houston hosted the Popeye Club for young movie fans. On Saturday mornings, the theaters would show cartoons and a feature film that was usually a Western. It was very folksy, with competitions on stage like yo-yo contests and bubble-gum-blowing contests. I think that’s where my love of film began. I also remember my parents taking me to a matinee of Gone with the Wind at the downtown Loews Theater when I was about 10!
We’ve heard that you met the star of Laura, Gene Tierney, a few times when she lived in Houston!
Yes, I was at several parties with her in private homes and clubs. The most meaningful conversation we had was when I asked about Dana Andrews, her Laura costar. She was very dismissive of him, and she said she didn’t like him at all. That disappointed me! I thought he was wonderful.
Why did you pick Laura for Movies Houstonians Love?
When I first saw Laura, I was 15 years old and a sophomore at Lamar High School. I thought it was the most sophisticated, glamorous movie I’d ever seen! Though there have been many other contenders for favorite film over the years, Laura still retains its aura of elegance, mystery, and romance for me.
Join Patricia P. Hubbard as she introduces “Laura” on Sunday, October 7! Get tickets.