A “Cloud Column” Anniversary March 27, 2020

Anish Kapoor, Cloud Column, 1998–2006, stainless steel, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum purchase funded by the Caroline Wiess Law Accessions Endowment Fund. © Anish Kapoor, All Rights Reserved, DACS, 2016
Installation process of Anish Kapoor, Cloud Column (2006), March 26, 2018. Photography by Will Michels.
David Williams (bottom left) and others install Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Column in The Brown Foundation, Inc. Plaza, adjacent to the new Glassell School of Art building.
Two years ago today, a team of engineers and MFAH art handlers gently settled Houston’s now-iconic Cloud Column into place—all 21,000 pounds of it.
Watch and listen as artist Anish Kapoor’s project manager describes how the monumental sculpture completed its journey, which started with an Atlantic crossing from England; continued with careful transport by truck in a custom-made crate from an MFAH storage facility; and finished with Cloud Column being skillfully hoisted into place and uncrated at its permanent home: The Brown Foundation, Inc. Plaza on March 27, 2018.